Geo-Clustering in FoodChain-Lab
- Perform a clustering using the following workflow:…
- Cluster all French primary producers by using the GIS Cluster node.
- Use a Max Neighborhood Distance of 100km.
- That means two stations are put into the same cluster if their distance is less than 100km.
Step 1

Step 2
- Drag the GIS Cluster node from FoodChain-Lab in the Node Repository to the Workflow Editor.

Step 3
- Connect the output of Joiner to the input of GIS Cluster.
- Connect the output of GIS Cluster to the first input of Tracing View.
- Double click on the GIS Cluster node to open its dialog.

Step 4
- In this dialog you can set up an algorithm for geographical clustering based on latitude and longitude.
- Click on Set Filter to define which stations should be clustered.

Step 5
- You should see this dialog now.
- Press the button in the red circle to change the Property value.

Step 6

Step 7
- Now select “FR” as Value, since we want to cluster stations in France.
- Afterwards press Add to add another condition.

Step 8
- For the new condition select “type of business” as Property and “Primary Producer” as Value, since we want to cluster primary producers only.
- Now press OK.

Step 9
- Set the Max Neighborhood Distance to 100km. That means that stations with distance of less than 100km are put into the same cluster. For details on the algorithm look here:
- Press OK.

Step 10
- Right click on GIS Cluster to open its context menu and select Execute to execute the node.
- The results of the clustering are put into the new column ClusterID. This column will now be used in the Tracing View.

Step 11
- Open the Tracing View by double-clicking on it.

Step 12
- A window showing the delivery network should open now.

Step 13
- Right click in the graph to open the context menu and select Collapse by Property.

Step 14
- The clustering will be done based on the results of the GIS Cluster node.
- Select ClusterID and press OK.

Step 15
- Just press OK, since we do not want to exclude any area.

Step 16
- All French primary producers have been clustered to areas.
- Each selected station (blue circle) is an area in France.

Step 17
- Select “Picking” as Editing Mode and click in the graph to deselect all stations.
- You can now see, that one of the stations is yellow. That means, that this stations (French area) is connected to all outbreak spots (red circles).
- Press Switch to GIS to see where this area is.

Step 18
- The area is in Southern France.